How to Set Up Dual Monitors with GPU and Motherboard? – A Step-by-Step Guide for You
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How to Set Up Dual Monitors with GPU and Motherboard? – A Step-by-Step Guide for You

Using two monitors can greatly improve your productivity and visual experience. Dual monitor setups allow you to multitask more efficiently by displaying more applications and windows at once. They also enhance entertainment with an expanded field of view. Transitioning to a multi-display configuration is easier than it may seem. Driving dual monitors requires utilizing two…

Graphics Card Not Turning On | Get Your Graphics Card Back in the Game

Graphics Card Not Turning On | Get Your Graphics Card Back in the Game

A computer is nothing but a lot of separate parts put together for a unified purpose. A graphics card plays a crucial role here, as it allows the computer to output the results it processes. And even though modern computers come with an in-built graphics chip with the CPU, a dedicated graphics card is what…

Radeon Enhanced Sync On or Off? | Is Enhanced Sync Right for You?

Radeon Enhanced Sync On or Off? | Is Enhanced Sync Right for You?

In the world of gaming, where every frame counts, technology is continually evolving to provide the best visual experience. Radeon Enhanced Sync, a feature nestled within AMD’s graphics cards, has been making waves. But the question remains: should you keep it on or turn it off? The simple answer to this question is, to turn…

How to Set Up Two Graphics Cards Without SLI? | Ways to Get Your GPU Duo

How to Set Up Two Graphics Cards Without SLI? | Ways to Get Your GPU Duo

If you are looking to boost the performance of your gaming or workstation PC, one of the solutions is to install multiple graphics cards. You may not want to use NVIDIA’s Scalable Link Interface (SLI) technology because either you have cards from different manufacturers or you want a distinct configuration. In such a scenario, you…

GPU Usage Drops 100% to 0% – How to Stop Your GPU From Dropping to 0% Usage?

GPU Usage Drops 100% to 0% – How to Stop Your GPU From Dropping to 0% Usage?

There’re many users around the world who’re facing a problem with GPU usage. According to their opinion while heavy tasking or gaming, all of a sudden the GPU usage drops 100% to 0%. This is quite abnormal because when you’re doing any critical task or playing intensive games, the GPU usage has to remain at…