How to Make 2 Monitors Into 1 | Combining Dual Monitors Into a Single Display

How to Make 2 Monitors Into 1 | Combining Dual Monitors Into a Single Display

To increase productivity and efficiency in multitasking or enhance your computer experience, you may need to merge two monitors into one single display. But do you know how to make 2 monitors into 1? You can easily make 2 different monitors connected to your PC into one single monitor from the display settings. In this…

No Signal on Monitor With New PC Build | Troubleshooting Guide to Get Your Monitor Working

No Signal on Monitor With New PC Build | Troubleshooting Guide to Get Your Monitor Working

Are you stuck with a No Signal on the monitor? One of the most typical causes of a monitor reporting no signal is a damaged, defective cable or some other crucial hardware malfunction. But not to worry, let’s go together through the steps to solve this issue! Why You are Not Getting Signals on Your…

144hz Monitor Only Showing Refresh Rate 120hz | Solutions for Getting 144hz instead of 120!

144hz Monitor Only Showing Refresh Rate 120hz | Solutions for Getting 144hz instead of 120!

Is your newly bought 144 Hz monitor showing only 120 Hz? This can be one of those really frustrating things when you think all my money has just been wasted. You may start to accuse the retail shop owner of selling a monitor to you that has a lower refresh rate instead of 144 Hz….

144hz Monitor Won’t Run at 144Hz | Achieve the 144Hz Refresh Rate You Deserve

144hz Monitor Won’t Run at 144Hz | Achieve the 144Hz Refresh Rate You Deserve

Nothing is more annoying for high-end computer users and Desktop gamers than a display that won’t run at 144Hz on every frame. A 144-hertz screen refreshes the screen 144 times a second, allowing for the presentation of new photos on high-resolution monitors to be displayed. How to Get Your 144Hz Monitor Running at 144Hz? Anybody…